The Monthly Commitment

What you feel and how you think greatly influences your actions.
Recalibrate your approach
  • Flip the switch and set bigger, more meaningful, and fulfilling goals, and have the confidence that you are going to accomplish them.
  • Master the habits that are the
    most supportive in your context.
  • Define your standards and create
    your unique system for decision-
    making to avoid decision – fatigue
  •  Always figure out with ease the most practical and impactful actions you need to take to achieve your goals.

How it works?

Initial call

This call aims to establish if this service is right for you.
We’ll talk about your projects, your intentions, and the challenges that you are experiencing.
We’ll talk about your goals and your timeline.
If we decide that this service is what would help you the most with accomplishing your goals, you can jump right into the coaching experience.

Pre-Coaching DISC Assessment

I believe in understanding your strengths to write your story of success.

The DISC Assessment allows us to establish a solid base for your coaching experience and give you great insight into your personality, leadership and communication style.

The Coaching Experience

This coaching is right for you if you are ready to establish clear, meaningful goals and skyrocket your personal and professional growth.

We’ll challenge assumptions, we’ll dive deep, we’ll consider new perspectives, and connect the dots to create a simple but impactful course of action toward your dreams.

The coaching experience is a monthly commitment, structured as two 60 minutes coaching sessions every other week with two laser-coaching sessions in between.

Why a monthly commitment?

I believe in your commitment to yourself, not to a specific program.

The only strings attached are to yourself, not to a program you must complete because you paid for to help you create results, not to take away from your schedule.

I deeply believe that you are the master of your journey from point A to point B (or Z). Here, you get to decide what’s your point B , and I am your guide and support to get you there without using a predetermined mold that you should fit.

  1. Right from the very first session, we’ll focus on refining, defining, and developing your most  meaningful goals.

    We’ll establish the starting point and get a deep understanding of the existing context.

  2. The following sessions (60 min every other week) are focused on:

    • vision-casting
    • challenging assumptions
    • establish incremental goals
    • establish action steps and maintain relevance in an ever-changing
    • strategic reviews,
    • assess blocks and unsupportive patterns and create the best strategy to overcome the challenges,
    • identify and implement supporting practices and high-performance habits,
    • identify practical steps that will consistently motivate and inspire you
    • establish weekly plans that reflect the vision.
    • create a flow of energized focus, engagement and fulfillment.
    • clear, effective feedback that helps your progress

    At the end of each session, you’ll be armed with your strategy and action steps and walk away inspired to stay committed to your plans.

  3. Laser coaching and quick check-ins

    In between each coaching hour, we’ll have a 20 minutes session (every other week) for support and accountability These sessions are designed to keep you inspired and motivated and to ensure you are always on the right track to your goals