In my work everything is about
Your vision for a Fulfilling Life
Your Agenda, Your Rhythm
You’ve been molded by other people’s expectations, social norms, and interpretations of your own experiences. Not all these influences support what you want to experience now. Not all of these influences support your dreams and desires. In fact, they are the reason why you feel stuck, trapped between your perceived reality and what you’d like to experience instead.

I don’t believe in the:

  • one-size-fits-all approach

  • strict coaching program that keeps you stuck for weeks or months

I do believe in:

  • careful listening

  • asking clarifying questions

  • effectively adapt and work in your context
Identify and re-write the unique patterns that are running in your subconscious mind and keep the distance between you and your desires.

1.   Initial call

NO SALES PITCH EVER. This 15-30-minute call is a conversation focused entirely on you and your situation. We will discuss what you are trying to achieve and what is most important to you. We might even put some of the pieces of the puzzle together on the spot. We’ll establish if moving forward with me is right for you, or I’ll connect you with other resources I trust.

2.   Moving Forward

  • Individual Session: Dive deep in an hourly session to identify and eliminate the patterns and beliefs holding you back from the change you desire.
  • VIP Days: Spend an entire day focused solely on transforming a specific situation in your life, with personalized, intensive guidance.