Impact Recap

Take a Step back to Leap Forward.
Uncover and Leverage the precious lessons you’ve learned and turn your future into the most exciting success story.
Impact Recap is a workshop designed for the go-getter who is proactive, growth-oriented, and actively seeking unique and innovative approaches to help them reach peak performance in their personal and professional goals.
Past Experiences Shape our Present Selves, our View of the World and What we Think is Possible

Impact Recap

Your Roadmap for Exploring the World Within and Turn Incredible Goals into Accomplishments

Five Consecutive Days

A hands-on workshop, highly focused on how to turn theory into practical steps, designed with results in mind, will walk you through everything you need to know to turn your dreams into reality without hesitation.
  • Uncover the valuable lessons hidden in your past.

  • Gain insight into your experiences, beliefs, and aspirations.

  • Shift your perspective from judgment to curiosity.

  • Uncover and break down the walls of resistance.

  • Define your empowering beliefs and rewire your brain for lasting success.

  • Learn how to align your habits for a sustainable strategy that makes a difference.

  • Learn how to eliminate distractions and conflicting priorities so you can decisively take action toward your goals.

  • Get unbeatable clarity and design your strategy for the success of your personal and   professional goals.

  • Get s deeper understanding of  yourself, your values  and your motivators.

  • Identify your behavioral patterns and thought processes that may have
    held you back or propelled you forward:  have clarity on what you
    should stop doing and what you must do more of in order to achieve
    your most meaningful goals.

  • Recognize the skills you’ve acquired, the obstacles you’ve  overcome and the areas you can continue to improve.

  • Considerably improve your decision-making

  • Set better personal and professional goals that align with your values and your vision of a  successful life.

You don’t need a new course on how to move forward, change your approach, or make everything work for you so you can achieve your most meaningful goals:
YOU have already written that course.
Every Single Lesson.
All you have to do is learn how to decode the message
and use it to your advantage.

Impact Recap

is your personal guide to help you with this process, make everything clear and turn theory into practical steps.

Five Consecutive Days

  • Understand the Power of Reflection

  • A through Analysis of Pivotal Moments you have experienced.

  • Learn how to Shift from Judgment to Curiosity and how to Rewire your brain Effectively for inevitable success in your personal and professional goals.

  • Learn how to extract the most important lesson from your past experiences.

  • Vision Casting: using everything you have uncovered, learn how to  define your vision for success.

  • Learn how to set truly inspiring goals and make them inevitable.

  • Learn how to set truly inspiring goals and make
    them inevitable.

  • Establish the Practical Steps for Effective Implementation.

  • Get inspired by other’s stories of success.
How do you know you if want to be part of the

Impact Recap workshop?

Impact Recap


  • You are a go-getter who wants to challenge the status quo.
  • Your desire to accomplish your goals is bigger than the temptation of meaningless comfort
  • You are ready to break the code of your own patterns, beliefs, and habits so you can extract the most powerful lessons and intentionally use them to your advantage.
  • You only want the best  and you are ready to step into your future empowered and from a very solid foundation.